About Blanchemanche

Hi there!

Thank you for finding Blanchemanche in this endless space called the internet. I’m Jenine Blanchemanche, a human who loves to create. And I’m here to help bring your product visually to life. Even though I’m based in the Netherlands, I’m ready to work for brands around the world!

Blanchemanche is also:
a dog mom
a car enthusiast
writing in third person for her website
an ambassador of Moodelier
gym fanatic
queen of sarcasm
obsessed with nature
working on her mindset everyday
graduated from AMFI
(Amsterdam Fashion Institute)

Please feel free to contact Blanchemanche for everything work-related. For interest, send an e-mail to info@blanchemanche.com or click the button.

Blanchemanche makes modern product photography that aims at combining marketing and art.


Blanchemanche makes modern product photography that aims at combining marketing and art. 〰️